By curating a diverse range of topics and reputable resources, this platform aims to cover various aspects of cancer awareness, prevention strategies, and self-health advocacy. From guiding individuals towards specialized websites and resources dedicated to these crucial topics to publishing insightful articles and blogs, the goal is to offer relevant and current guidance and advice.

When it comes to cancer support in Ireland, several organizations are making a significant impact. Here are a few key organizations dedicated to improving the experiences and outcomes of those affected by cancer:

Irish Cancer Society

The ICS is a community of patients, survivors, volunteers, supporters, health and social care professionals and researchers. Together they are transforming the experiences and outcomes of people affected by cancer through advocacy, support services and research.

Marie keating foundation

The Foundation’s mission is to make cancer less frightening by enlightening and their aim is to live in a world free from the fear of cancer. Today, the Marie Keating Foundation are one of the leading voices in Ireland for cancer prevention, awareness and support

National cancer control programme

They work with health service providers to prevent & treat cancer, increase the survival and quality of life for those with cancer & convert the knowledge gained through research, surveillance and outcome evaluation into strategies & actions.


From Me to You tackles the isolation and loneliness of a cancer diagnosis by educating and empowering  friends, family and even strangers of those living with cancer to stay connected by sending a simple card or letter. Their Donate A Letter programme sees over 10,000 anonymous letters delivered every year to cancer patients in hospital and at home.

The ICS is a community of patients, survivors, volunteers, supporters, health and social care professionals and researchers. Together they are transforming the experiences and outcomes of people affected by cancer through advocacy, support services and research.

The Foundation’s mission is to make cancer less frightening by enlightening with the aim to live in a world free from the fear of cancer. Today, the Marie Keating Foundation are one of the leading voices in Ireland for cancer prevention, awareness and support

They collaborate with health service providers to prevent and treat cancer, improve survival rates, and enhance the quality of life for those affected. They also translate research, surveillance, and outcome data into effective strategies and actions.

From Me to You tackles the isolation and loneliness of a cancer diagnosis by educating and empowering  friends, family and even strangers of those living with cancer to stay connected by sending a simple card or letter. Their Donate A Letter programme sees over 10,000 anonymous letters delivered every year to cancer patients in hospital and at home.


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Forever Chemicals

Definition PFAS (Per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances) are a family of over 10,000 highly persistent & toxic chemicals that don’t

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